Can pregnant women have coffee?
Yes, but a little. It's not about the coffee itself, but about the caffeine it contains, an excess caffeine which can harm baby health.
How coffee can harm pregnant women
Caffeine narrows blood vessels, including those in the uterus and placenta. Therefore, the fetus may not get enough blood. Because of this, doctors linked lower birth weight with coffee consumption. And overuse of caffeine can increase the risk of death of the child.
Should pregnant women drink coffee?
Yes. Coffee contains vitamins and antioxidants and reduces the risk of developing various chronic diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and colon cancer. But for pregnant women, it is more important that it helps to cheer up and adds energy, which is often not enough, especially in the first trimester.
For coffee lovers, it also provides an opportunity to enjoy not the most harmful way. This is especially important because expectant mothers have to give up many familiar foods and drinks.
How much coffee can pregnant women drink
WHO recommends use less than 300 mg of caffeine per day. That’s about three cups of instant coffee or two cups of espresso. It is impossible to say exactly the amount of caffeine depends on the type of coffee and how made it.
But all this does not mean that a pregnant woman can drink her standard amount of coffee then make teas all day. The fact is that caffeine contain in black and green tea, chocolate, and some types of soda. And it’s quite a lot of it: you can get 300 mg of caffeine from four cups of tea or seven cans of cola. So you have to choose.. So you have to choose.